Barry University in Miami, Florida, inspires students to foster positive change in the local and global community. No matter what undergraduate or graduate degree program you choose, you gain hands-on experience and apply what you learn in the classroom to a rapidly changing world. You work with professors who mentor, encourage, and challenge you. You choose from a full array of campus activities that allow you to have fun, make friends, and develop your talents. At Barry, you prepare to join the next generation of change agents and leaders.
Barry University’s College of Nursing and Health Sciences recently received a top 20 ranking from Florida is home to 159 nursing schools, making this recognition an impressive achievement. Health care is one of Florida's most vibrant industries and it continues to grow.
The Florida Dept. of Education found that Barry graduates are in the top 10% of salary earners among the state's 28 private, not-for-profit educational institutions.
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In 2014, Barry ranked among the nation's 25 most ethnically diverse universities, according to U.S. News and World Report.